just let it go.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Answers to Life's Biggest Questions

Check out this great clip of "crazy sports scenarios" brought to life by writer Todd Gallagher. If you've ever wondered how much of a head start you would need in order to beat an Olympic champion in a sprint, or if you could convert a sumo wrestler to an NFL player, you will find your answers here.

Check out Todd's book, Andy Roddick Beat Me With a Frying Pan, for more strange encounters of the sporting kind and more answers to questions like these: Can I beat Andy Roddick in tennis if he plays with a frying pan? Do professional darts throwers make great beer pong partners? Why don't NHL teams employ the absurdly fat goalies who simply cover the entire net with their flesh?

Yo flicksters, do you have any questions of your own for the sequel?
FLICK. just let it go.